Source code for


Provides file-storage tools for the DataDict class.

.. note::
    Any function in this module that interacts with a ddh5 file, will create a lock file while it is using the file.
    The lock file has the following format: ~<file_name>.lock. The file lock will get deleted even if the program
    crashes. If the process is suddenly stopped however, we cannot guarantee that the file lock will be deleted.
import os
import time
import datetime
import uuid
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Dict, Type, Collection
from types import TracebackType
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import h5py

from plottr import QtGui, Signal, Slot, QtWidgets, QtCore

from ..node import (
    Node, NodeWidget, updateOption, updateGuiFromNode,

from .datadict import DataDict, is_meta_key, DataDictBase

__author__ = 'Wolfgang Pfaff'
__license__ = 'MIT'

TIMESTRFORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

# FIXME: need correct handling of dtypes and list/array conversion

[docs]class AppendMode(Enum): """How/Whether to append data to existing data.""" #: Data that is additional compared to already existing data is appended. new = 0 #: All data is appended to existing data. all = 1 #: Data is overwritten. none = 2
# tools for working on hdf5 objects
[docs]def h5ify(obj: Any) -> Any: """ Convert an object into something that we can assign to an HDF5 attribute. Performs the following conversions: - list/array of strings -> numpy chararray of unicode type :param obj: Input object. :return: Object, converted if necessary. """ if isinstance(obj, list): all_string = True for elt in obj: if not isinstance(elt, str): all_string = False break if not all_string: obj = np.array(obj) if type(obj) == np.ndarray and obj.dtype.kind == 'U': return np.char.encode(obj, encoding='utf8') return obj
[docs]def deh5ify(obj: Any) -> Any: """Convert slightly mangled types back to more handy ones. :param obj: Input object. :return: Object """ if type(obj) == bytes: return obj.decode() if type(obj) == np.ndarray and obj.dtype.kind == 'S': return np.char.decode(obj) return obj
[docs]def set_attr(h5obj: Any, name: str, val: Any) -> None: """Set attribute `name` of object `h5obj` to `val` Use :func:`h5ify` to convert the object, then try to set the attribute to the returned value. If that does not succeed due to a HDF5 typing restriction, set the attribute to the string representation of the value. """ try: h5obj.attrs[name] = h5ify(val) except TypeError: newval = str(val) h5obj.attrs[name] = h5ify(newval)
[docs]def add_cur_time_attr(h5obj: Any, name: str = 'creation', prefix: str = '__', suffix: str = '__') -> None: """Add current time information to the given HDF5 object, following the format of: ``<prefix><name>_time_sec<suffix>``. :param h5obj: The HDF5 object. :param name: The name of the attribute. :param prefix: Prefix of the attribute. :param suffix: Suffix of the attribute. """ t = time.localtime() tsec = time.mktime(t) tstr = time.strftime(TIMESTRFORMAT, t) set_attr(h5obj, prefix + name + '_time_sec' + suffix, tsec) set_attr(h5obj, prefix + name + '_time_str' + suffix, tstr)
# elementary reading/writing def _data_file_path(file: Union[str, Path], init_directory: bool = False) -> Path: """Get the full filepath of the data file. If `init_directory` is True, then create the parent directory.""" path = Path(file) if path.suffix != f'.{DATAFILEXT}': path = Path(path.parent, path.stem + f'.{DATAFILEXT}') if init_directory: path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return path
[docs]def datadict_to_hdf5(datadict: DataDict, path: Union[str, Path], groupname: str = 'data', append_mode: AppendMode =, file_timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """Write a DataDict to DDH5 Note: Meta data is only written during initial writing of the dataset. If we're appending to existing datasets, we're not setting meta data anymore. :param datadict: Datadict to write to disk. :param path: Path of the file (extension may be omitted). :param groupname: Name of the top level group to store the data in. :param append_mode: - `AppendMode.none` : Delete and re-create group. - `` : Append rows in the datadict that exceed the number of existing rows in the dataset already stored. Note: we're not checking for content, only length! - `AppendMode.all` : Append all data in datadict to file data sets. :param file_timeout: How long the function will wait for the ddh5 file to unlock. Only relevant if you are writing to a file that already exists and some other program is trying to read it at the same time. If none uses the default value from the :class:`FileOpener`. """ filepath = _data_file_path(path, True) if not filepath.exists(): append_mode = AppendMode.none with FileOpener(filepath, 'a', file_timeout) as f: if append_mode is AppendMode.none: init_file(f, groupname) assert groupname in f grp = f[groupname] # add top-level meta data. for k, v in datadict.meta_items(clean_keys=False): set_attr(grp, k, v) for k, v in datadict.data_items(): data = v['values'] shp = data.shape nrows = shp[0] # create new dataset, add axes and unit metadata if k not in grp: maxshp = tuple([None] + list(shp[1:])) ds = grp.create_dataset(k, maxshape=maxshp, data=data) # add meta data add_cur_time_attr(ds) if v.get('axes', []): set_attr(ds, 'axes', v['axes']) if v.get('unit', "") != "": set_attr(ds, 'unit', v['unit']) for kk, vv in datadict.meta_items(k, clean_keys=False): set_attr(ds, kk, vv) ds.flush() # if the dataset already exits, append data according to # chosen append mode. else: ds = grp[k] dslen = ds.shape[0] if append_mode == newshp = tuple([nrows] + list(shp[1:])) ds.resize(newshp) ds[dslen:] = data[dslen:] elif append_mode == AppendMode.all: newshp = tuple([dslen + nrows] + list(shp[1:])) ds.resize(newshp) ds[dslen:] = data[:] ds.flush()
def init_file(f: h5py.File, groupname: str = 'data') -> None: if groupname in f: del f[groupname] f.flush() grp = f.create_group(groupname) add_cur_time_attr(grp) f.flush() else: grp = f.create_group(groupname) add_cur_time_attr(grp) f.flush()
[docs]def datadict_from_hdf5(path: Union[str, Path], groupname: str = 'data', startidx: Union[int, None] = None, stopidx: Union[int, None] = None, structure_only: bool = False, ignore_unequal_lengths: bool = True, file_timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> DataDict: """Load a DataDict from file. :param path: Full filepath without the file extension. :param groupname: Name of hdf5 group. :param startidx: Start row. :param stopidx: End row + 1. :param structure_only: If `True`, don't load the data values. :param ignore_unequal_lengths: If `True`, don't fail when the rows have unequal length; will return the longest consistent DataDict possible. :param file_timeout: How long the function will wait for the ddh5 file to unlock. If none uses the default value from the :class:`FileOpener`. :return: Validated DataDict. """ filepath = _data_file_path(path) if not filepath.exists(): raise ValueError("Specified file does not exist.") if startidx is None: startidx = 0 res = {} with FileOpener(filepath, 'r', file_timeout) as f: if groupname not in f: raise ValueError('Group does not exist.') grp = f[groupname] keys = list(grp.keys()) lens = [len(grp[k][:]) for k in keys] if len(set(lens)) > 1: if not ignore_unequal_lengths: raise RuntimeError('Unequal lengths in the datasets.') if stopidx is None or stopidx > min(lens): stopidx = min(lens) else: if stopidx is None or stopidx > lens[0]: stopidx = lens[0] for attr in grp.attrs: if is_meta_key(attr): res[attr] = deh5ify(grp.attrs[attr]) for k in keys: ds = grp[k] entry: Dict[str, Union[Collection[Any], np.ndarray]] = dict(values=np.array([]), ) if 'axes' in ds.attrs: entry['axes'] = deh5ify(ds.attrs['axes']).tolist() else: entry['axes'] = [] if 'unit' in ds.attrs: entry['unit'] = deh5ify(ds.attrs['unit']) if not structure_only: entry['values'] = ds[startidx:stopidx] entry['__shape__'] = ds[:].shape # and now the meta data for attr in ds.attrs: if is_meta_key(attr): _val = deh5ify(ds.attrs[attr]) entry[attr] = deh5ify(ds.attrs[attr]) res[k] = entry dd = DataDict(**res) dd.validate() return dd
[docs]def all_datadicts_from_hdf5(path: Union[str, Path], file_timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Loads all the DataDicts contained on a single HDF5 file. Returns a dictionary with the group names as keys and the DataDicts as the values of that key. :param path: The path of the HDF5 file. :param file_timeout: How long the function will wait for the ddh5 file to unlock. If none uses the default value from the :class:`FileOpener`. :return: Dictionary with group names as key, and the DataDicts inside them as values. """ filepath = _data_file_path(path) if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise ValueError("Specified file does not exist.") ret = {} with FileOpener(filepath, 'r', file_timeout) as f: keys = [k for k in f.keys()] for k in keys: ret[k] = datadict_from_hdf5(path=path, groupname=k, file_timeout=file_timeout, **kwargs) return ret
# File access with locking
[docs]class FileOpener: """ Context manager for opening files, creates its own file lock to indicate other programs that the file is being used. The lock file follows the following structure: "~<file_name>.lock". :param path: The file path. :param mode: The opening file mode. Only the following modes are supported: 'r', 'w', 'w-', 'a'. Defaults to 'r'. :param timeout: Time, in seconds, the context manager waits for the file to unlock. Defaults to 30. :param test_delay: Length of time in between checks. I.e. how long the FileOpener waits to see if a file got unlocked again """ def __init__(self, path: Union[Path, str], mode: str = 'r', timeout: Optional[float] = None, test_delay: float = 0.1): self.path = Path(path) self.lock_path = self.path.parent.joinpath("~" + str(self.path.stem) + '.lock') if mode not in ['r', 'w', 'w-', 'a']: raise ValueError("Only 'r', 'w', 'w-', 'a' modes are supported.") self.mode = mode self.default_timeout = 30. if timeout is None: self.timeout = self.default_timeout else: self.timeout = timeout self.test_delay = test_delay self.file: Optional[h5py.File] = None def __enter__(self) -> h5py.File: self.file = self.open_when_unlocked() return self.file def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], exc_traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None: try: assert self.file is not None self.file.close() finally: if self.lock_path.is_file(): self.lock_path.unlink() def open_when_unlocked(self) -> h5py.File: t0 = time.time() while True: if not self.lock_path.is_file(): try: self.lock_path.touch(exist_ok=False) # This happens if some other process beat this one and created the file beforehand except FileExistsError: continue while True: try: f = h5py.File(str(self.path), self.mode) return f except (OSError, PermissionError, RuntimeError): pass time.sleep(self.test_delay) # don't overwhelm the FS by very fast repeated calls. if time.time() - t0 > self.timeout: raise RuntimeError('Waiting or file unlock timeout') time.sleep(self.test_delay) # don't overwhelm the FS by very fast repeated calls. if time.time() - t0 > self.timeout: raise RuntimeError('Lock file remained for longer than timeout time')
# Node for monitoring # class DDH5LoaderWidget(NodeWidget): def __init__(self, node: Node): super().__init__(node=node) assert self.node is not None self.fileinput = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.groupinput = QtWidgets.QLineEdit('data') self.reload = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Reload') self.optSetters = { 'filepath': self.fileinput.setText, 'groupname': self.groupinput.setText, } self.optGetters = { 'filepath': self.fileinput.text, 'groupname': self.groupinput.text, } flayout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() flayout.addRow('File path:', self.fileinput) flayout.addRow('Group:', self.groupinput) vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addLayout(flayout) vlayout.addWidget(self.reload) self.setLayout(vlayout) self.fileinput.textEdited.connect( lambda x: self.signalOption('filepath') ) self.groupinput.textEdited.connect( lambda x: self.signalOption('groupname') ) self.reload.pressed.connect(self.node.update)
[docs]class DDH5Loader(Node): nodeName = 'DDH5Loader' uiClass = DDH5LoaderWidget useUi = True setProcessOptions = Signal(str, str) def __init__(self, name: str): self._filepath: Optional[str] = None self._groupname: str = 'data' super().__init__(name) self.nLoadedRecords = 0 self.loadingThread = QtCore.QThread() self.loadingWorker = _Loader(self.filepath, self.groupname) self.loadingWorker.moveToThread(self.loadingThread) self.loadingThread.started.connect(self.loadingWorker.loadData) self.loadingWorker.dataLoaded.connect(self.onThreadComplete) self.loadingWorker.dataLoaded.connect(lambda x: self.loadingThread.quit()) self.setProcessOptions.connect(self.loadingWorker.setPathAndGroup) @property def filepath(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._filepath @filepath.setter @updateOption('filepath') def filepath(self, val: str) -> None: self._filepath = val @property def groupname(self) -> str: return self._groupname @groupname.setter @updateOption('groupname') def groupname(self, val: str) -> None: self._groupname = val # Data processing #
[docs] def process(self, dataIn: Optional[DataDictBase] = None) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: # TODO: maybe needs an optional way to read only new data from file? -- can make that an option # this is the flow when process is called due to some trigger if self._filepath is None or self._groupname is None: return None if not os.path.exists(self._filepath): return None if not self.loadingThread.isRunning(): self.loadingWorker.setPathAndGroup(self.filepath, self.groupname) self.loadingThread.start() return None
@Slot(object) def onThreadComplete(self, data: Optional[DataDict]) -> None: if data is None: return None title = f"{self.filepath}" data.add_meta('title', title) nrecords = data.nrecords() assert nrecords is not None self.nLoadedRecords = nrecords self.setOutput(dataOut=data) # this makes sure that we analyze the data and emit signals for changes super().process(dataIn=data)
class _Loader(QtCore.QObject): nRetries = 5 retryDelay = 0.01 dataLoaded = Signal(object) def __init__(self, filepath: Optional[str], groupname: Optional[str]) -> None: super().__init__() self.filepath = filepath self.groupname = groupname def setPathAndGroup(self, filepath: Optional[str], groupname: Optional[str]) -> None: self.filepath = filepath self.groupname = groupname def loadData(self) -> bool: if self.filepath is None or self.groupname is None: self.dataLoaded.emit(None) return True data = datadict_from_hdf5(self.filepath, groupname=self.groupname) self.dataLoaded.emit(data) return True
[docs]class DDH5Writer(object): """Context manager for writing data to DDH5. Based on typical needs in taking data in an experimental physics lab. Creates lock file when writing data. :param basedir: The root directory in which data is stored. :meth:`.create_file_structure` is creating the structure inside this root and determines the file name of the data. The default structure implemented here is ``<root>/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-mm-dd_THHMMSS_<ID>-<name>/<filename>.ddh5``, where <ID> is a short identifier string and <name> is the value of parameter `name`. To change this, re-implement :meth:`.data_folder` and/or :meth:`.create_file_structure`. :param datadict: Initial data object. Must contain at least the structure of the data to be able to use :meth:`add_data` to add data. :param groupname: Name of the top-level group in the file container. An existing group of that name will be deleted. :param name: Name of this dataset. Used in path/file creation and added as meta data. :param filename: Filename to use. Defaults to 'data.ddh5'. :param file_timeout: How long the function will wait for the ddh5 file to unlock. If none uses the default value from the :class:`FileOpener`. """ # TODO: need an operation mode for not keeping data in memory. # TODO: a mode for working with pre-allocated data def __init__(self, datadict: DataDict, basedir: Union[str, Path] = '.', groupname: str = 'data', name: Optional[str] = None, filename: str = 'data', filepath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, file_timeout: Optional[float] = None): """Constructor for :class:`.DDH5Writer`""" self.basedir = Path(basedir) self.datadict = datadict self.inserted_rows = 0 if name is None: name = '' = name self.groupname = groupname self.filename = Path(filename) self.filepath: Optional[Path] = None if filepath is not None: self.filepath = Path(filepath) self.datadict.add_meta('', name) self.file_timeout = file_timeout def __enter__(self) -> "DDH5Writer": if self.filepath is None: self.filepath = _data_file_path(self.data_file_path(), True) print('Data location: ', self.filepath) nrecords: Optional[int] = self.datadict.nrecords() if nrecords is not None and nrecords > 0: datadict_to_hdf5(self.datadict, str(self.filepath), groupname=self.groupname, append_mode=AppendMode.none, file_timeout=self.file_timeout) self.inserted_rows = nrecords return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], exc_traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None: assert self.filepath is not None with FileOpener(self.filepath, 'a', timeout=self.file_timeout) as f: add_cur_time_attr(f[self.groupname], name='close')
[docs] def data_folder(self) -> Path: """Return the folder, relative to the data root path, in which data will be saved. Default format: ``<basedir>/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-mm-ddTHHMMSS_<ID>-<name>``. In this implementation we use the first 8 characters of a UUID as ID. :returns: The folder path. """ ID = str(uuid.uuid1()).split('-')[0] parent = f"{':', '')}_{ID}" if parent += f'-{}' path = Path(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), parent) return path
[docs] def data_file_path(self) -> Path: """Determine the filepath of the data file. :returns: The filepath of the data file. """ data_folder_path = Path(self.basedir, self.data_folder()) appendix = '' idx = 2 while data_folder_path.exists(): appendix = f'-{idx}' data_folder_path = Path(self.basedir, str(self.data_folder())+appendix) idx += 1 return Path(data_folder_path, self.filename)
[docs] def add_data(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Add data to the file (and the internal `DataDict`). Requires one keyword argument per data field in the `DataDict`, with the key being the name, and value the data to add. It is required that all added data has the same number of 'rows', i.e., the most outer dimension has to match for data to be inserted faithfully. If some data is scalar and others are not, then the data should be reshaped to (1, ) for the scalar data, and (1, ...) for the others; in other words, an outer dimension with length 1 is added for all. """ self.datadict.add_data(**kwargs) if self.inserted_rows > 0: mode = else: mode = AppendMode.none nrecords = self.datadict.nrecords() if nrecords is not None and nrecords > 0: datadict_to_hdf5(self.datadict, str(self.filepath), groupname=self.groupname, append_mode=mode, file_timeout=self.file_timeout) assert self.filepath is not None with FileOpener(self.filepath, 'a', timeout=self.file_timeout) as f: add_cur_time_attr(f, name='last_change') add_cur_time_attr(f[self.groupname], name='last_change')