Tools for Experiments

Tools for experiments is a collection of Python packages that are primarily designed for running and analyzing experiments in physics laboratories. The software is meant to provide some additional convenience and capability on top of libraries that provide access to measurement hardware, such as qcodes. While the workflow in mind is electronic measurements of quantum devices (such as superconducting qubits or semiconductor quantum dots) it may well be useful for a much broader range of experiment needs.

Tools for experiments currently consists of the packages listed below. Each tool can be used independently (but they do play well together!).


we should add a few screenshots or snippets that illustrate how some of the tools work.


Plottr is a GUI tool for inspecting and monitoring data. The primary use case for it is inspecting measurement data (incl live-plotting while data is being acquired). Plottr allows easy graphical inspection of multidimensional data. Plotting can be supplemented with custom data analysis and processing that can be integrated into the GUI.


instrumentserver is a program that runs qcodes instruments in a dedicated server program such that client processes can access them. This allows, for example, accessing the same instrument from multiple processes


This package contains a set of convenience tools that make setting up measurements easier.

Indices and tables