
This is the main documentation for the data analysis tool plottr. plottr is written in python (version 3.8+) and has been tested to work well on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. This documentation is still very much ongoing work in progress, but should (hopefully!) already give an overview of what it’s about, and how to use it.

The aim of plottr is to provide a simple but powerful graphical tool that allows efficient inspection of measurement data as frequently found in experimental physics labs (but it is in no way confined to that use). In particular, it allows to define analysis flows that process data (which could come from a file, or some other source) to very easily produce plots that give insight into the data. The goal is not to produce publication-level figures, but rather to be able to quickly ‘dissect’ or analyze complicated and often multi-dimensional measurement data to determine the best next course of action. For some basic examples, please see the basic usage page.

In addition, plottr is written explicitly with the goal in mind to be extendable. It is possible to define custom analysis flows that the users can implement themselves. Any kind of data manipulation or analysis (from simple things such as subtracting offsets, to more complex things like automatic fitting) can be added by the user.

Plottr is usable and pretty stable at this moment. However, we’re still working on quite a few features, so new things are being improved and changed a lot. Please check back regularly to see what’s new!