Source code for

""" :

Data classes we use throughout the plottr package, and tools to work on them.
import warnings
import copy as cp
import re

import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Sequence, Union, Any, Iterator, Optional, TypeVar

from plottr.utils import num, misc

__author__ = 'Wolfgang Pfaff'
__license__ = 'MIT'

# TODO: functionality that returns axes values given a set of slices.
# TODO: an easier way to access data and meta values.
#       maybe with getattr/setattr?
# TODO: direct slicing of full datasets. implement getitem/setitem?
# TODO: feature to compare if datadicts are equal not fully tested yet.

[docs]def is_meta_key(key: str) -> bool: """Checks if ``key`` is meta information. :param key: The ``key`` we are checking. :return: ``True`` if it is, ``False`` if it isn't. """ if key[:2] == '__' and key[-2:] == '__': return True else: return False
[docs]def meta_key_to_name(key: str) -> str: """ Converts a meta data key to just the name. E.g: for ``key``: "__meta__" returns "meta" :param key: The key that is being converted :return: The name of the key. :raises: ``ValueError`` if the ``key`` is not a meta key. """ if is_meta_key(key): return key[2:-2] else: raise ValueError(f'{key} is not a meta key.')
[docs]def meta_name_to_key(name: str) -> str: """ Converts ``name`` into a meta data key. E.g: "meta" gets converted to "__meta__" :param name: The name that is being converted. :return: The meta data key based on ``name``. """ return '__' + name + '__'
T = TypeVar('T', bound='DataDictBase') class GriddingError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class DataDictBase(dict): """ Simple data storage class that is based on a regular dictionary. This base class does not make assumptions about the structure of the values. This is implemented in inheriting classes. """ def __init__(self, **kw: Any): super().__init__(self, **kw) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Check for content equality of two datadicts.""" if not isinstance(other, DataDictBase): return False else: return datasets_are_equal(self, other) # Assignment and retrieval of data and meta data @staticmethod def _is_meta_key(key: str) -> bool: return is_meta_key(key) @staticmethod def _meta_key_to_name(key: str) -> str: return meta_key_to_name(key) @staticmethod def _meta_name_to_key(name: str) -> str: return meta_name_to_key(name)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_records(**data: Any) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Convert data to records that can be added to the ``DataDict``. All data is converted to np.array, and reshaped such that the first dimension of all resulting arrays have the same length (chosen to be the smallest possible number that does not alter any shapes beyond adding a length-1 dimension as first dimension, if necessary). If a data field is given as ``None``, it will be converted to ``numpy.array([numpy.nan])``. :param data: keyword arguments for each data field followed by data. :returns: Dictionary with properly shaped data. """ records: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} seqtypes = (np.ndarray, tuple, list) nantypes = (type(None), ) for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, seqtypes): records[k] = np.array(v) elif isinstance(v, nantypes): records[k] = np.array([np.nan]) else: records[k] = np.array([v]) possible_nrecords = {} for k, v in records.items(): possible_nrecords[k] = [1, v.shape[0]] commons = [] for k, v in possible_nrecords.items(): for n in v: if n in commons: continue is_common = True for kk, vv in possible_nrecords.items(): if n not in vv: is_common = False if is_common: commons.append(n) nrecs = max(commons) for k, v in records.items(): shp = v.shape if nrecs == 1 and shp[0] > 1: newshp = tuple([1] + list(shp)) records[k] = v.reshape(newshp) return records
[docs] def data_items(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Generator for data field items. Like dict.items(), but ignores meta data. :return: Generator yielding first the key of the data field and second its value. """ for k, v in self.items(): if not self._is_meta_key(k): yield k, v
[docs] def meta_items(self, data: Union[str, None] = None, clean_keys: bool = True) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Generator for meta items. Like dict.items(), but yields `only` meta entries. The keys returned do not contain the underscores used internally. :param data: If ``None`` iterate over global meta data. If it's the name of a data field, iterate over the meta information of that field. :param clean_keys: If `True`, remove the underscore pre/suffix. :return: Generator yielding first the key of the data field and second its value. """ if data is None: for k, v in self.items(): if self._is_meta_key(k): if clean_keys: n = self._meta_key_to_name(k) else: n = k yield n, v else: for k, v in self[data].items(): if self._is_meta_key(k): if clean_keys: n = self._meta_key_to_name(k) else: n = k yield n, v
[docs] def data_vals(self, key: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the data values of field ``key``. Equivalent to ``DataDict['key'].values``. :param key: Name of the data field. :return: Values of the data field. """ if self._is_meta_key(key): raise ValueError(f"{key} is a meta key.") return self[key].get('values', np.array([]))
[docs] def has_meta(self, key: str) -> bool: """Check whether meta field exists in the dataset. :return: ``True`` if it exists, ``False`` if it doesn't. """ k = self._meta_name_to_key(key) if k in self: return True else: for key, field_dict in self.data_items(): if k in field_dict: return True return False
[docs] def meta_val(self, key: str, data: Union[str, None] = None) -> Any: """ Return the value of meta field ``key`` (given without underscore). :param key: Name of the meta field. :param data: ``None`` for global meta; name of data field for data meta. :return: The value of the meta information. """ k = self._meta_name_to_key(key) if data is None: return self[k] else: return self[data][k]
[docs] def add_meta(self, key: str, value: Any, data: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """ Add meta info to the dataset. If the key already exists, meta info will be overwritten. :param key: Name of the meta field (without underscores). :param value: Value of the meta information. :param data: If ``None``, meta will be global; otherwise assigned to data field ``data``. """ key = self._meta_name_to_key(key) if data is None: self[key] = value else: self[data][key] = value
set_meta = add_meta
[docs] def delete_meta(self, key: str, data: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """ Deletes specific meta data. :param key: Name of the meta field to remove. :param data: If ``None``, this affects global meta; otherwise remove from data field ``data``. """ key = self._meta_name_to_key(key) if data is None: del self[key] else: del self[data][key]
[docs] def clear_meta(self, data: Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """ Deletes all meta data. :param data: If not ``None``, delete all meta only from specified data field ``data``. Else, deletes all top-level meta, as well as meta for all data fields. """ if data is None: meta_list = [k for k, _ in self.meta_items()] for m in meta_list: self.delete_meta(m) for d, _ in self.data_items(): data_meta_list = [k for k, _ in self.meta_items(d)] for m in data_meta_list: self.delete_meta(m, d) else: data_meta_list = [m for m, _ in self.meta_items(data)] for m in data_meta_list: self.delete_meta(m, data)
[docs] def extract(self: T, data: List[str], include_meta: bool = True, copy: bool = True, sanitize: bool = True) -> T: """ Extract data from a dataset. Return a new datadict with all fields specified in ``data`` included. Will also take any axes fields along that have not been explicitly specified. Will return empty if ``data`` consists of only axes fields. :param data: Data field or list of data fields to be extracted. :param include_meta: If ``True``, include the global meta data. data meta will always be included. :param copy: If ``True``, data fields will be `deep copies <>`__ of the original. :param sanitize: If ``True``, will run DataDictBase.sanitize before returning. :return: New DataDictBase containing only requested fields. """ if isinstance(data, str): data = [data] else: data = data.copy() for d in data: for a in self.axes(d): if a not in data: data.append(a) ret = self.__class__() for d in data: if copy: ret[d] = cp.deepcopy(self[d]) else: ret[d] = self[d] if include_meta: for k, v in self.meta_items(): if copy: ret.add_meta(k, cp.deepcopy(v)) else: ret.add_meta(k, v) if sanitize: ret = ret.sanitize() ret.validate() return ret
# info about structure
[docs] @staticmethod def same_structure(*data: T, check_shape: bool = False) -> bool: """ Check if all supplied DataDicts share the same data structure (i.e., dependents and axes). Ignores meta data and values. Checks also for matching shapes if `check_shape` is `True`. :param data: The data sets to compare. :param check_shape: Whether to include shape check in the comparison. :return: ``True`` if the structure matches for all, else ``False``. """ if len(data) < 2: return True def empty_structure(d: T) -> T: s = misc.unwrap_optional(d.structure(include_meta=False, add_shape=check_shape)) for k, v in s.data_items(): if 'values' in v: del s[k]['values'] return s s0 = empty_structure(data[0]) for d in data[1:]: if d is None: return False if s0 != empty_structure(d): return False return True
[docs] def structure(self: T, add_shape: bool = False, include_meta: bool = True, same_type: bool = False) -> Optional[T]: """ Get the structure of the DataDict. Return the datadict without values (`value` omitted in the dict). :param add_shape: Deprecated -- ignored. :param include_meta: If `True`, include the meta information in the returned dict. :param same_type: If `True`, return type will be the one of the object this is called on. Else, DataDictBase. :return: The DataDict containing the structure only. The exact type is the same as the type of ``self``. """ if add_shape: warnings.warn("'add_shape' is deprecated and will be ignored", DeprecationWarning) add_shape = False if self.validate(): s = self.__class__() for n, v in self.data_items(): v2 = v.copy() v2.pop('values') s[n] = v2 if include_meta: for n, v in self.meta_items(): s.add_meta(n, v) else: s.clear_meta() if same_type: s = self.__class__(**s) return s return None
[docs] def label(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the label for a data field. If no label is present returns the name of the data field as the label. If a unit is present, it will be appended at the end in brackets: "label (unit)". :param name: Name of the data field. :return: Labelled name. """ if self.validate(): if name not in self: raise ValueError("No field '{}' present.".format(name)) if self[name]['label'] != '': n = self[name]['label'] else: n = name if self[name]['unit'] != '': n += ' ({})'.format(self[name]['unit']) return n return None
[docs] def axes_are_compatible(self) -> bool: """ Check if all dependent data fields have the same axes. This includes axes order. :return: ``True`` or ``False``. """ axes = [] for i, d in enumerate(self.dependents()): if i == 0: axes = self.axes(d) else: if self.axes(d) != axes: return False return True
[docs] def axes(self, data: Union[Sequence[str], str, None] = None) -> List[str]: """ Return a list of axes. :param data: if ``None``, return all axes present in the dataset, otherwise only the axes of the dependent ``data``. :return: The list of axes. """ lst = [] if data is None: for k, v in self.data_items(): if 'axes' in v: for n in v['axes']: if n not in lst and self[n].get('axes', []) == []: lst.append(n) else: if isinstance(data, str): dataseq: Sequence[str] = (data,) else: dataseq = data for n in dataseq: if 'axes' not in self[n]: continue for m in self[n]['axes']: if m not in lst and self[m].get('axes', []) == []: lst.append(m) return lst
[docs] def dependents(self) -> List[str]: """ Get all dependents in the dataset. :return: A list of the names of dependents. """ ret = [] for n, v in self.data_items(): if len(v.get('axes', [])) != 0: ret.append(n) return ret
[docs] def shapes(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Get the shapes of all data fields. :return: A dictionary of the form ``{key : shape}``, where shape is the np.shape-tuple of the data with name ``key``. """ shapes = {} for k, v in self.data_items(): shapes[k] = np.array(self.data_vals(k)).shape return shapes
# validation and sanitizing
[docs] def validate(self) -> bool: """ Check the validity of the dataset. Checks performed: * All axes specified with dependents must exist as data fields. Other tasks performed: * ``unit`` keys are created if omitted. * ``label`` keys are created if omitted. * ``shape`` meta information is updated with the correct values (only if present already). :return: ``True`` if valid, ``False`` if invalid. :raises: ``ValueError`` if invalid. """ msg = '\n' for n, v in self.data_items(): if 'axes' in v: for na in v['axes']: if na not in self: msg += " * '{}' has axis '{}', but no field " \ "with name '{}' registered.\n".format( n, na, na) elif na not in self.axes(): msg += " * '{}' has axis '{}', but no independent " \ "with name '{}' registered.\n".format( n, na, na) else: v['axes'] = [] if 'unit' not in v: v['unit'] = '' if 'label' not in v: v['label'] = '' vals = v.get('values', []) if type(vals) not in [np.ndarray,]: vals = np.array(vals) v['values'] = vals if msg != '\n': raise ValueError(msg) return True
[docs] def remove_unused_axes(self: T) -> T: """ Removes axes not associated with dependents. :return: Cleaned dataset. """ dependents = self.dependents() unused = [] ret = self.copy() for n, v in self.data_items(): used = False if n not in dependents: for m in dependents: if n in self[m]['axes']: used = True else: used = True if not used: unused.append(n) for u in unused: del ret[u] return ret
[docs] def sanitize(self: T) -> T: """ Clean-up tasks: * Removes unused axes. :return: Sanitized dataset. """ return self.remove_unused_axes()
# axes order tools
[docs] def reorder_axes_indices(self, name: str, **pos: int) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], List[str]]: """ Get the indices that can reorder axes in a given way. :param name: Name of the data field of which we want to reorder axes. :param pos: New axes position in the form ``axis_name = new_position``. Non-specified axes positions are adjusted automatically. :return: The tuple of new indices, and the list of axes names in the new order. """ axlist = self.axes(name) order = misc.reorder_indices_from_new_positions(axlist, **pos) return order, [axlist[i] for i in order]
[docs] def reorder_axes(self: T, data_names: Union[str, Sequence[str], None] = None, **pos: int) -> T: """ Reorder data axes. :param data_names: Data name(s) for which to reorder the axes. If None, apply to all dependents. :param pos: New axes position in the form ``axis_name = new_position``. Non-specified axes positions are adjusted automatically. :return: Dataset with re-ordered axes. """ if data_names is None: data_names = self.dependents() if isinstance(data_names, str): data_names = [data_names] ret = self.copy() for n in data_names: neworder, newaxes = self.reorder_axes_indices(n, **pos) ret[n]['axes'] = newaxes ret.validate() return ret
[docs] def copy(self: T) -> T: """ Make a copy of the dataset. :return: A copy of the dataset. """ return cp.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def astype(self: T, dtype: np.dtype) -> T: """ Convert all data values to given dtype. :param dtype: np dtype. :return: Copy of the dataset, with values as given type. """ ret = self.copy() for k, v in ret.data_items(): vals = v['values'] if type(v['values']) not in [np.ndarray,]: vals = np.array(v['values']) ret[k]['values'] = vals.astype(dtype) return ret
[docs] def mask_invalid(self: T) -> T: """ Mask all invalid data in all values. :return: Copy of the dataset with invalid entries (nan/None) masked. """ ret = self.copy() for d, _ in self.data_items(): arr = self.data_vals(d) vals =, arr, copy=True) try: vals.fill_value = np.nan except TypeError: vals.fill_value = -9999 ret[d]['values'] = vals return ret
[docs]class DataDict(DataDictBase): """ The most basic implementation of the DataDict class. It only enforces that the number of `records` per data field must be equal for all fields. This refers to the most outer dimension in case of nested arrays. The class further implements simple appending of datadicts through the ``DataDict.append`` method, as well as allowing addition of DataDict instances. """ def __add__(self, newdata: 'DataDict') -> 'DataDict': """ Adding two datadicts by appending each data array. Requires that the datadicts have the same structure. Retains the meta information of the first array. :param newdata: DataDict to be added. :returns: combined DataDict. :raises: ``ValueError`` if the structures are incompatible. """ # FIXME: remove shape s = misc.unwrap_optional(self.structure(add_shape=False)) if DataDictBase.same_structure(self, newdata): for k, v in self.data_items(): val0 = self[k]['values'] val1 = newdata[k]['values'] s[k]['values'] = np.append( self[k]['values'], newdata[k]['values'], axis=0 ) return s else: raise ValueError('Incompatible data structures.')
[docs] def append(self, newdata: "DataDict") -> None: """ Append a datadict to this one by appending data values. :param newdata: DataDict to append. :raises: ``ValueError``, if the structures are incompatible. """ if not DataDictBase.same_structure(self, newdata): raise ValueError('Incompatible data structures.') newvals = {} for k, v in newdata.data_items(): if isinstance(self[k]['values'], list) and isinstance( v['values'], list): newvals[k] = self[k]['values'] + v['values'] else: newvals[k] = np.append( self[k]['values'], v['values'], axis=0 ) # only actually for k, v in newvals.items(): self[k]['values'] = v
[docs] def add_data(self, **kw: Any) -> None: # TODO: fill non-given data with nan or none """ Add data to all values. new data must be valid in itself. This method is useful to easily add data without needing to specify meta data or dependencies, etc. :param kw: one array per data field (none can be omitted). """ dd = misc.unwrap_optional(self.structure(same_type=True)) for name, _ in dd.data_items(): if name not in kw: kw[name] = None records = self.to_records(**kw) for name, datavals in records.items(): # dd[name]['values'] = datavals if dd.validate(): nrecords = self.nrecords() if nrecords is not None and nrecords > 0: self.append(dd) else: for key, val in dd.data_items(): self[key]['values'] = val['values'] self.validate()
# shape information and expansion
[docs] def nrecords(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Gets the number of records in the dataset. :return: The number of records in the dataset. """ self.validate() for _, v in self.data_items(): return len(v['values']) return None
def _inner_shapes(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, ...]]: shapes = self.shapes() return {k: v[1:] for k, v in shapes.items()}
[docs] def is_expanded(self) -> bool: """ Determine if the DataDict is expanded. :return: ``True`` if expanded. ``False`` if not. """ ishp = self._inner_shapes() if set(ishp.values()) == {tuple()}: return True else: return False
[docs] def is_expandable(self) -> bool: """ Determine if the DataDict can be expanded. Expansion flattens all nested data values to a 1D array. For doing so, we require that all data fields that have nested/inner dimensions (i.e, inside the `records` level) shape the inner shape. In other words, all data fields must be of shape (N,) or (N, (shape)), where shape is common to all that have a shape not equal to (N,). :return: ``True`` if expandable. ``False`` otherwise. """ shp = self._inner_shapes() if len(set(shp.values())) == 1: return True elif len(set(shp.values())) == 2 and tuple() in set(shp.values()): return True else: return False
[docs] def expand(self) -> 'DataDict': """ Expand nested values in the data fields. Flattens all value arrays. If nested dimensions are present, all data with non-nested dims will be repeated accordingly -- each record is repeated to match the size of the nested dims. :return: The flattened dataset. :raises: ``ValueError`` if data is not expandable. """ self.validate() if not self.is_expandable(): raise ValueError('Data cannot be expanded.') struct = misc.unwrap_optional(self.structure(add_shape=False)) ret = DataDict(**struct) if self.is_expanded(): return self.copy() ishp = self._inner_shapes() size = max([int( for s in ishp.values()]) for k, v in self.data_items(): reps = size //[k]) if reps > 1: ret[k]['values'] = \ self[k]['values'].repeat(reps, axis=0).reshape(-1) else: ret[k]['values'] = self[k]['values'].reshape(-1) return ret
# validation and sanitizing
[docs] def validate(self) -> bool: """ Check dataset validity. Beyond the checks performed in the base class ``DataDictBase``, check whether the number of records is the same for all data fields. :return: ``True`` if valid. :raises: ``ValueError`` if invalid. """ if super().validate(): nvals = None nvalsrc = None msg = '\n' for n, v in self.data_items(): if type(v['values']) not in [np.ndarray,]: self[n]['values'] = np.array(v['values']) if nvals is None: nvals = len(v['values']) nvalsrc = n else: if len(v['values']) != nvals: msg += " * '{}' has length {}, but have found {} in " \ "'{}'\n".format( n, len(v['values']), nvals, nvalsrc) if msg != '\n': raise ValueError(msg) return True
[docs] def sanitize(self) -> "DataDict": """ Clean-up. Beyond the tasks of the base class ``DataDictBase``: * remove invalid entries as far as reasonable. :return: sanitized DataDict. """ ret = super().sanitize() return ret.remove_invalid_entries()
[docs] def remove_invalid_entries(self) -> 'DataDict': """ Remove all rows that are ``None`` or ``np.nan`` in *all* dependents. :return: The cleaned DataDict. """ ishp = self._inner_shapes() idxs = [] ret = self.copy() # collect rows that are completely invalid for d in self.dependents(): # need to discriminate whether there are nested dims or not if len(ishp[d]) == 0: rows = self.data_vals(d) else: datavals = self.data_vals(d) rows = datavals.reshape(-1, int([d]))) _idxs: np.ndarray = np.array([]) # get indices of all rows that are fully None if len(ishp[d]) == 0: _newidxs = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(rows is None)).nonzero()[0] else: _newidxs = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(np.all(rows is None, axis=-1))).nonzero()[0] _idxs = np.append(_idxs, _newidxs) # get indices for all rows that are fully NaN. works only # for some dtypes, so except TypeErrors. try: if len(ishp[d]) == 0: _newidxs = np.where(np.isnan(rows))[0] else: _newidxs = np.where(np.all(np.isnan(rows), axis=-1))[0] _idxs = np.append(_idxs, _newidxs) except TypeError: pass idxs.append(_idxs.astype(int)) if len(idxs) > 0: remove_idxs = reduce(np.intersect1d, tuple(idxs)) for k, v in ret.data_items(): v['values'] = np.delete(v['values'], remove_idxs, axis=0) return ret
[docs]class MeshgridDataDict(DataDictBase): """ Implementation of DataDictBase meant to be used for when the axes form a grid on which the dependent values reside. It enforces that all dependents have the same axes and all shapes need to be identical. """
[docs] def shape(self) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, ...]]: """ Return the shape of the meshgrid. :returns: The shape as tuple. ``None`` if no data in the set. """ for d, _ in self.data_items(): return np.array(self.data_vals(d)).shape return None
[docs] def validate(self) -> bool: """ Validation of the dataset. Performs the following checks: * All dependents must have the same axes. * All shapes need to be identical. :return: ``True`` if valid. :raises: ``ValueError`` if invalid. """ if not super().validate(): return False msg = '\n' axes = None axessrc = '' for d in self.dependents(): if axes is None: axes = self.axes(d) else: if axes != self.axes(d): msg += f" * All dependents must have the same axes, but " msg += f"{d} has {self.axes(d)} and {axessrc} has {axes}\n" shp = None shpsrc = '' data_items = dict(self.data_items()) for n, v in data_items.items(): if type(v['values']) not in [np.ndarray,]: self[n]['values'] = np.array(v['values']) if shp is None: shp = v['values'].shape shpsrc = n else: if v['values'].shape != shp: msg += f" * shapes need to match, but '{n}' has" msg += f" {v['values'].shape}, " msg += f"and '{shpsrc}' has {shp}.\n" if 'axes' in v: for axis_num, na in enumerate(v['axes']): # check that the data of the axes matches its use # if data present axis_data = data_items[na]['values'] if axis_data.size > 0: max_step_along_axes = np.max(np.abs(np.diff(data_items[na]['values'],axis=axis_num))) if max_step_along_axes == 0: msg += (f"Malformed data: {na} is expected to be {axis_num}th " "axis but has no variation along that axis.\n") if msg != '\n': raise ValueError(msg) return True
[docs] def reorder_axes(self, data_names: Union[str, Sequence[str], None] = None, **pos: int) -> 'MeshgridDataDict': """ Reorder the axes for all data. This includes transposing the data, since we're on a grid. :param pos: New axes position in the form ``axis_name = new_position``. non-specified axes positions are adjusted automatically. :return: Dataset with re-ordered axes. """ if data_names is None: data_names = self.dependents() if isinstance(data_names, str): data_names = [data_names] transposed = [] ret: "MeshgridDataDict" = self.copy() for n in data_names: neworder, newaxes = self.reorder_axes_indices(n, **pos) ret[n]['axes'] = newaxes ret[n]['values'] = self[n]['values'].transpose(neworder) for ax in self.axes(n): if ax not in transposed: ret[ax]['values'] = self[ax]['values'].transpose(neworder) transposed.append(ax) ret.validate() return ret
# Tools for converting between different data types
[docs]def guess_shape_from_datadict(data: DataDict) -> \ Dict[str, Union[None, Tuple[List[str], Tuple[int, ...]]]]: """ Try to guess the shape of the datadict dependents from the axes values. :param data: Dataset to examine. :return: A dictionary with the dependents as keys, and inferred shapes as values. Value is ``None``, if the shape could not be inferred. """ shapes = {} for d in data.dependents(): axnames = data.axes(d) axes: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} for a in axnames: axdata = data.data_vals(a) axes[a] = axdata shapes[d] = num.guess_grid_from_sweep_direction(**axes) return shapes
[docs]def datadict_to_meshgrid(data: DataDict, target_shape: Union[Tuple[int, ...], None] = None, inner_axis_order: Union[None, Sequence[str]] = None, use_existing_shape: bool = False) \ -> MeshgridDataDict: """ Try to make a meshgrid from a dataset. :param data: Input DataDict. :param target_shape: Target shape. If ``None`` we use ``guess_shape_from_datadict`` to infer. :param inner_axis_order: If axes of the datadict are not specified in the 'C' order (1st the slowest, last the fastest axis) then the 'true' inner order can be specified as a list of axes names, which has to match the specified axes in all but order. The data is then transposed to conform to the specified order. .. note:: If this is given, then ``target_shape`` needs to be given in in the order of this inner_axis_order. The output data will keep the axis ordering specified in the `axes` property. :param use_existing_shape: if ``True``, simply use the shape that the data already has. For numpy-array data, this might already be present. If ``False``, flatten and reshape. :raises: GriddingError (subclass of ValueError) if the data cannot be gridded. :returns: The generated ``MeshgridDataDict``. """ # if the data is empty, return empty MeshgridData if len([k for k, _ in data.data_items()]) == 0: return MeshgridDataDict() if not data.axes_are_compatible(): raise GriddingError('Non-compatible axes, cannot grid that.') if not use_existing_shape and data.is_expandable(): data = data.expand() elif use_existing_shape: target_shape = list(data.shapes().values())[0] # guess what the shape likely is. if target_shape is None: shp_specs = guess_shape_from_datadict(data) shps = set(order_shape[1] if order_shape is not None else None for order_shape in shp_specs.values()) if len(shps) > 1: raise GriddingError('Cannot determine unique shape for all data.') ret = list(shp_specs.values())[0] if ret is None: raise GriddingError('Shape could not be inferred.') # the guess-function returns both axis order as well as shape. inner_axis_order, target_shape = ret # construct new data newdata = MeshgridDataDict(**misc.unwrap_optional(data.structure(add_shape=False))) axlist = data.axes(data.dependents()[0]) for k, v in data.data_items(): vals = num.array1d_to_meshgrid(v['values'], target_shape, copy=True) # if an inner axis order is given, we transpose to transform from that # to the specified order. if inner_axis_order is not None: transpose_idxs = misc.reorder_indices( inner_axis_order, axlist) vals = vals.transpose(transpose_idxs) newdata[k]['values'] = vals newdata = newdata.sanitize() newdata.validate() return newdata
[docs]def meshgrid_to_datadict(data: MeshgridDataDict) -> DataDict: """ Make a DataDict from a MeshgridDataDict by reshaping the data. :param data: Input ``MeshgridDataDict``. :return: Flattened ``DataDict``. """ newdata = DataDict(**misc.unwrap_optional(data.structure(add_shape=False))) for k, v in data.data_items(): val = v['values'].copy().reshape(-1) newdata[k]['values'] = val newdata = newdata.sanitize() newdata.validate() return newdata
# Tools for manipulating and transforming data def _find_replacement_name(ddict: DataDictBase, name: str) -> str: """ Find a replacement name for a data field that already exists in a datadict. Appends '-<index>' to the name. :param ddict: Datadict that contains the already existing field. :param name: The name that needs to be replaced. :return: A suitable replacement. """ if name not in ddict: return name else: idx = 0 newname = name + f"_{idx}" while newname in ddict: idx += 1 newname = name + f"_{idx}" return newname
[docs]def combine_datadicts(*dicts: DataDict) -> Union[DataDictBase, DataDict]: """ Try to make one datadict out of multiple. Basic rules: - We try to maintain the input type. - Return type is 'downgraded' to DataDictBase if the contents are not compatible (i.e., different numbers of records in the inputs). :returns: Combined data. """ # TODO: deal correctly with MeshGridData when combined with other types # TODO: should we strictly copy all values? # TODO: we should try to consolidate axes as much as possible. Currently # axes in the return can be separated even if they match (caused # by earlier mismatches) ret = None rettype = None for d in dicts: if ret is None: ret = d.copy() rettype = type(d) else: # if we don't have a well defined number of records anymore, # need to revert the type to DataDictBase if hasattr(d, 'nrecords') and hasattr(ret, 'nrecords'): if d.nrecords() != ret.nrecords(): rettype = DataDictBase else: rettype = DataDictBase ret = rettype(**ret) # First, parse the axes in the to-be-added ddict. # if dimensions with same names are present already in the current # return ddict and are not compatible with what's to be added, # rename the incoming dimension. ax_map = {} for d_ax in d.axes(): if d_ax in ret.axes(): if num.arrays_equal(d.data_vals(d_ax), ret.data_vals(d_ax)): ax_map[d_ax] = d_ax else: newax = _find_replacement_name(ret, d_ax) ax_map[d_ax] = newax ret[newax] = d[d_ax] elif d_ax in ret.dependents(): newax = _find_replacement_name(ret, d_ax) ax_map[d_ax] = newax ret[newax] = d[d_ax] else: ax_map[d_ax] = d_ax ret[d_ax] = d[d_ax] for d_dep in d.dependents(): if d_dep in ret: newdep = _find_replacement_name(ret, d_dep) else: newdep = d_dep dep_axes = [ax_map[ax] for ax in d[d_dep]['axes']] ret[newdep] = d[d_dep] ret[newdep]['axes'] = dep_axes if ret is None: ret = DataDict() else: ret.validate() return ret
[docs]def datastructure_from_string(description: str) -> DataDict: r"""Construct a DataDict from a string description. Examples: * ``"data[mV](x, y)"`` results in a datadict with one dependent ``data`` with unit ``mV`` and two independents, ``x`` and ``y``, that do not have units. * ``"data_1[mV](x, y); data_2[mA](x); x[mV]; y[nT]"`` results in two dependents, one of them depening on ``x`` and ``y``, the other only on ``x``. Note that ``x`` and ``y`` have units. We can (but do not have to) omit them when specifying the dependencies. * ``"data_1[mV](x[mV], y[nT]); data_2[mA](x[mV])"``. Same result as the previous example. Rules: We recognize descriptions of the form ``field1[unit1](ax1, ax2, ...); field1[unit2](...); ...``. * Field names (like ``field1`` and ``field2`` above) have to start with a letter, and may contain word characters. * Field descriptors consist of the name, optional unit (presence signified by square brackets), and optional dependencies (presence signified by round brackets). * Dependencies (axes) are implicitly recognized as fields (and thus have the same naming restrictions as field names). * Axes are separated by commas. * Axes may have a unit when specified as dependency, but besides the name, square brackets, and commas no other characters are recognized within the round brackets that specify the dependency. * In addition to being specified as dependency for a field, axes may be specified also as additional field without dependency, for instance to specify the unit (may simplify the string). For example, ``z1[x, y]; z2[x, y]; x[V]; y[V]``. * Units may only consist of word characters. * Use of unexpected characters will result in the ignoring the part that contains the symbol. * The regular expression used to find field descriptors is: ``((?<=\A)|(?<=\;))[a-zA-Z]+\w*(\[\w*\])?(\(([a-zA-Z]+\w*(\[\w*\])?\,?)*\))?`` """ description = description.replace(" ", "") data_name_pattern = r"[a-zA-Z]+\w*(\[\w*\])?" pattern = r"((?<=\A)|(?<=\;))" + data_name_pattern + r"(\((" + data_name_pattern + r"\,?)*\))?" r = re.compile(pattern) data_fields = [] while ( match = if match is None: break data_fields.append(description[slice(*match.span())]) description = description[match.span()[1]:] dd: Dict[str, Any] = dict() def analyze_field(df: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]]: has_unit = True if '[' in df and ']' in df else False has_dependencies = True if '(' in df and ')' in df else False name: str = "" unit: Optional[str] = None axes: Optional[List[str]] = None if has_unit: name = df.split('[')[0] unit = df.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] if has_dependencies: axes = df.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',') elif has_dependencies: name = df.split('(')[0] axes = df.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',') else: name = df if axes is not None and len(axes) == 0: axes = None return name, unit, axes for df in data_fields: name, unit, axes = analyze_field(df) # double specifying is only allowed for independents. # if an independent is specified multiple times, units must not collide # (but units do not have to be specified more than once) if name in dd: if 'axes' in dd[name] or axes is not None: raise ValueError(f'{name} is specified more than once.') if 'unit' in dd[name] and unit is not None and dd[name]['unit'] != unit: raise ValueError(f'conflicting units for {name}') dd[name] = dict() if unit is not None: dd[name]['unit'] = unit if axes is not None: for ax in axes: ax_name, ax_unit, ax_axes = analyze_field(ax) # we do not allow nested dependencies. if ax_axes is not None: raise ValueError(f'{ax_name} is independent, may not have dependencies') # we can add fields implicitly from dependencies. # independents may be given both implicitly and explicitly, but only # when units don't collide. if ax_name not in dd: dd[ax_name] = dict() if ax_unit is not None: dd[ax_name]['unit'] = ax_unit else: if 'unit' in dd[ax_name] and ax_unit is not None and dd[ax_name]['unit'] != ax_unit: raise ValueError(f'conflicting units for {ax_name}') if 'axes' not in dd[name]: dd[name]['axes'] = [] dd[name]['axes'].append(ax_name) return DataDict(**dd)
#: shortcut to :func:`.datastructure_from_string`. str2dd = datastructure_from_string
[docs]def datasets_are_equal(a: DataDictBase, b: DataDictBase, ignore_meta: bool = False) -> bool: """Check whether two datasets are equal. Compares type, structure, and content of all fields. :param a: First dataset. :param b: Second dataset. :param ignore_meta: If ``True``, do not verify if metadata matches. :returns: ``True`` or ``False``. """ if not type(a) == type(b): return False if not a.same_structure(a, b): return False if not ignore_meta: # are all meta data of a also in b, and are they the same value? for k, v in a.meta_items(): if k not in [kk for kk, vv in b.meta_items()]: return False elif b.meta_val(k) != v: return False # are all meta data of b also in a? for k, v in b.meta_items(): if k not in [kk for kk, vv in a.meta_items()]: return False # check all data fields in a for dn, dv in a.data_items(): # are all fields also present in b? if dn not in [dnn for dnn, dvv in b.data_items()]: return False # check if data is equal if not num.arrays_equal( np.array(a.data_vals(dn)), np.array(b.data_vals(dn)), ): return False if not ignore_meta: # check meta data for k, v in a.meta_items(dn): if k not in [kk for kk, vv in b.meta_items(dn)]: return False elif v != b.meta_val(k, dn): return False # only thing left to check is whether there are items in b but not a for dn, dv in b.data_items(): if dn not in [dnn for dnn, dvv in a.data_items()]: return False if not ignore_meta: for k, v in b.meta_items(dn): if k not in [kk for kk, vv in a.meta_items(dn)]: return False return True