Source code for labcore.measurement.sweep

import itertools
import inspect
from typing import Iterable, Callable, Union, Tuple, Any, Optional, Dict, List, Generator
import collections
import logging
from functools import wraps, update_wrapper, partial
import copy

    from qcodes import Parameter as QCParameter
except ImportError:
    QCParameter = None

from .record import produces_record, DataSpec, IteratorToRecords, \
    DataSpecFromTupleType, record_as, combine_data_specs, independent, \
    make_data_spec, data_specs_label, DataSpecCreationType, make_data_specs, \
    FunctionToRecords, map_input_to_signature
from ..utils import indent_text

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    ParamSpecType = Union[str, QCParameter, DataSpecFromTupleType, DataSpec]
    ParamSpecType = Union[str, DataSpecFromTupleType, DataSpec]

# Pointer tools
[docs]class PointerFunction(FunctionToRecords): """A class that allows using a generator function as a pointer.""" def _iterator2records(self, *args, **kwargs): func_args, func_kwargs = map_input_to_signature(self.func_sig, *args, **kwargs) ret = record_as(self.func(*func_args, **func_kwargs), *self.data_specs) return ret def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): args = tuple(self._args + list(args)) kwargs.update(self._kwargs) return self._iterator2records(*args, **kwargs) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._iterator2records(*self._args, **self._kwargs)) def get_data_specs(self): return self.data_specs
[docs] def using(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "PointerFunction": """Set the default positional and keyword arguments that will be used when the function is called. :returns: A copy of the object. This is to allow setting different defaults to multiple uses of the function. """ ret = copy.copy(self) ret._args = list(args) ret._kwargs = kwargs return ret
[docs]def pointer(*data_specs: DataSpecCreationType) -> Callable: """Create a decorator for functions that return pointer generators.""" def decorator(func: Callable) -> PointerFunction: return PointerFunction(func, *data_specs) return decorator
[docs]def as_pointer(fun: Callable, *data_specs: DataSpecCreationType) -> PointerFunction: """Convenient in-line creation of a pointer function.""" return pointer(*data_specs)(fun)
null_pointer = [None] # sweep tools
[docs]def once(action: Callable) -> "Sweep": """Return a sweep that executes the action once.""" return Sweep(null_pointer, action)
[docs]def sweep_parameter(param: ParamSpecType, sweep_iterable: Iterable, *actions: Callable) -> "Sweep": """Create a sweep over a parameter. :param param: One of: * A string: Generates an independent, scalar data parameter. * A tuple or list: will be passed to the constructor of :class:`.DataSpec`; see :func:`.make_data_spec`. * A :class:`.DataSpec` instance. * A qcodes parameter. In this case the parameter's ``set`` method is called for each value during the iteration. :param sweep_iterable: An iterable that generates the values the parameter will be set to. :param actions: An arbitrary number of action functions. """ if isinstance(param, str): param_ds = independent(param) elif isinstance(param, (tuple, list)): param_ds = make_data_spec(*param) elif isinstance(param, DataSpec): param_ds = param elif QCODES_PRESENT and isinstance(param, QCParameter): param_ds = independent(, unit=param.unit) def setfunc(*args, **kwargs): param.set(kwargs.get( actions = list(actions) actions.insert(0, setfunc) else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot make parameter from type {type(param)}") record_iterator = IteratorToRecords(sweep_iterable, param_ds) return Sweep(record_iterator, *actions)
def null_action(): return None
[docs]class Sweep: """Base class for sweeps. Can be iterated over; for each pointer value the associated actions are executed. Each iteration step produces a record, containing all values produced by pointer and actions that have been annotated as such. (see: :func:`.record_as`) :param pointer: An iterable that defines the steps over which we iterate :param actions: A variable number of functions. Each will be called for each iteration step, with the pointer value(s) as arguments, provided the function can accept it. """ # TODO: (MAYBE?) should we check if there are conflicting record parameters? # TODO: some way of passing meta-info around (about the sweep state) # probably nice to have some info on benchmarking, current indices, etc. # TODO: need a way to look through all subsweeps, for example to find all # kw arguments of all actions recursively. # TODO: support qcodes parameters as action directly. # TODO: these flags should maybe be passed on to 'child' sweeps? record_none = True pass_on_returns = True pass_on_none = False # TODO: Add the rules.
[docs] @staticmethod def update_option_dict(src: Dict[str, Any], target: Dict[str, Any], level: int) -> None: """Rules: work in progress :). """ if not isinstance(src, dict) or not isinstance(target, dict): raise ValueError('inputs need to be dictionaries.') for k, v in src.items(): if k in target: if isinstance(v, dict) and level > 0: Sweep.update_option_dict(src[k], target[k], level=level-1) else: target[k] = v
@staticmethod def propagate_sweep_options(sweep: "Sweep"): try: first = sweep.pointer.iterable.first Sweep.copy_sweep_options(sweep, first) except AttributeError: pass try: second = sweep.pointer.iterable.second Sweep.copy_sweep_options(sweep, second) except AttributeError: pass @staticmethod def copy_sweep_options(src: "Sweep", target: Optional["Sweep"]): if src is target: return Sweep.update_option_dict(src._action_kwargs, target._action_kwargs, level=2) Sweep.propagate_sweep_options(target) def __init__(self, pointer: Optional[Iterable], *actions: Callable): """Constructor of :class:`.Sweep`.""" self._state = {} self._pass_kwargs = {} self._action_kwargs = {} if pointer is None: self.pointer = null_pointer elif isinstance(pointer, (, Sweep)): self.pointer = pointer else: raise TypeError('pointer needs to be iterable.') self.actions = [] for a in actions: self.append_action(a) @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value: Dict[str, Any]): for k, v in value.items(): self._state[k] = v @property def pass_kwargs(self): return self._pass_kwargs @pass_kwargs.setter def pass_kwargs(self, value: Dict[str, Any]): for k, v in value.items(): self._pass_kwargs[k] = v @property def action_kwargs(self): return self._action_kwargs @action_kwargs.setter def action_kwargs(self, value: Dict[str, Any]): for k, v in value.items(): self._action_kwargs[k] = v def __iter__(self): return def __add__(self, other: Union[Callable, "Sweep"]) -> "Sweep": if isinstance(other, Sweep): sweep2 = other elif callable(other): sweep2 = Sweep(None, other) else: raise TypeError(f'can only combine with Sweep or callable, ' f'not {type(other)}') Sweep.link_sweep_properties(self, sweep2) return append_sweeps(self, sweep2) def __mul__(self, other: Union[Callable, "Sweep"]) -> "Sweep": if isinstance(other, Sweep): sweep2 = other elif callable(other): sweep2 = Sweep(self.pointer, other) else: raise TypeError(f'can only combine with Sweep or callable, ' f'not {type(other)}') Sweep.link_sweep_properties(self, sweep2) return zip_sweeps(self, sweep2) def __matmul__(self, other: Union[Callable, "Sweep"]) -> "Sweep": if isinstance(other, Sweep): sweep2 = other elif callable(other): sweep2 = Sweep(None, other) else: raise TypeError(f'can only combine with Sweep or callable, ' f'not {type(other)}') Sweep.link_sweep_properties(self, sweep2) return nest_sweeps(self, sweep2)
[docs] def append_action(self, action: Callable): """Add an action to the sweep.""" if callable(action): if produces_record(action): self.actions.append(action) else: self.actions.append(record_as(action)) else: raise TypeError('action must be a callable.')
[docs] def run(self) -> "SweepIterator": """Create the iterator for the sweep.""" return SweepIterator( self, state=self.state, pass_kwargs=self.pass_kwargs, action_kwargs=self.action_kwargs)
# FIXME: currently this only works for actions -- should be used also # for pointer funcs?
[docs] def set_options(self, **action_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): """Configure the sweep actions. :param action_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to action functions format: {'<action_name>': {'key': 'value'} <action_name> is what action_function.__name__ returns. """ for func, val in action_kwargs.items(): self.action_kwargs[func] = val Sweep.propagate_sweep_options(self)
[docs] def get_data_specs(self) -> Tuple[DataSpec, ...]: """Return the data specs of the sweep.""" specs = [] pointer_specs = [] if produces_record(self.pointer): pointer_specs = self.pointer.get_data_specs() specs = combine_data_specs(*(list(specs) + list(pointer_specs))) for a in self.actions: if produces_record(a): action_specs = a.get_data_specs() pointer_independents = [ for ds in pointer_specs if ds.depends_on is None] for aspec in action_specs: aspec_ = aspec.copy() if aspec_.depends_on is not None: aspec_.depends_on = pointer_independents + aspec_.depends_on specs = combine_data_specs(*(list(specs) + [aspec_])) return tuple(specs)
def __repr__(self): ret = self.pointer.__repr__() for a in self.actions: ret += f" >> {a.__repr__()}" ret += f"\n==> {data_specs_label(*self.get_data_specs())}" return ret
[docs]class SweepIterator: """Iterator for the :class:`.Sweep` class. Manages the actual iteration of the pointer, and the execution of action functions. Manages and updates the state of the sweep. """ def __init__(self, sweep: Sweep, state: Dict[str, Any], pass_kwargs=Dict[str, Any], action_kwargs=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]): self.sweep = sweep self.state = state self.pass_kwargs = pass_kwargs self.action_kwargs = action_kwargs if isinstance(self.sweep.pointer, Sweep): self.pointer = iter(self.sweep.pointer) elif isinstance(self.sweep.pointer, self.pointer = self.sweep.pointer elif isinstance(self.sweep.pointer, self.pointer = iter(self.sweep.pointer) else: raise TypeError('pointer needs to be iterable.') def __next__(self): ret = {} next_point = next(self.pointer) if produces_record(self.sweep.pointer): ret.update(next_point) pass_args = [] if self.sweep.pass_on_returns: if isinstance(next_point, (tuple, list)): if not self.sweep.pass_on_none: pass_args = [r for r in next_point if r is not None] else: pass_args = list(next_point) elif isinstance(next_point, dict): if not self.sweep.pass_on_none: self.pass_kwargs.update({k: v for k, v in next_point.items() if v is not None}) else: self.pass_kwargs.update(next_point) else: if self.sweep.pass_on_none or next_point is not None: pass_args.append(next_point) for a in self.sweep.actions: this_action_kwargs = {} if self.sweep.pass_on_returns: this_action_kwargs.update(self.pass_kwargs) this_action_kwargs.update( self.action_kwargs.get(a.__name__, {})) action_return = a(*pass_args, **this_action_kwargs) if produces_record(a): ret.update(action_return) # actions always return records, so no need to worry about args if not self.sweep.pass_on_none: self.pass_kwargs.update({k: v for k, v in action_return.items() if v is not None}) else: self.pass_kwargs.update(action_return) if self.sweep.record_none is False: for k in list(ret.keys()): if ret[k] is None: ret.pop(k) return ret
[docs]def append_sweeps(first: Sweep, second: Sweep) -> Sweep: """Append two sweeps. Iteration over the combined sweep will first complete the first sweep, then the second sweep. """ both = IteratorToRecords( AppendSweeps(first, second), *combine_data_specs(*(list(first.get_data_specs()) + list(second.get_data_specs()))) ) sweep = Sweep(both) Sweep.link_sweep_properties(first, sweep) return sweep
[docs]def zip_sweeps(first: Sweep, second: Sweep) -> Sweep: """Zip two sweeps. Iteration over the combined sweep will elementwise advance the two sweeps together. """ both = IteratorToRecords( ZipSweeps(first, second), *combine_data_specs(*(list(first.get_data_specs()) + list(second.get_data_specs()))) ) sweep = Sweep(both) Sweep.link_sweep_properties(first, sweep) return sweep
[docs]def nest_sweeps(outer: Sweep, inner: Sweep) -> Sweep: """Nest two sweeps. Iteration over the combined sweep will execute the full inner sweep for each iteration step of the outer sweep. """ outer_specs = outer.get_data_specs() outer_indeps = [ for s in outer_specs if s.depends_on is None] inner_specs = [s.copy() for s in inner.get_data_specs()] for s in inner_specs: if s.depends_on is not None: s.depends_on = outer_indeps + s.depends_on nested = IteratorToRecords( NestSweeps(outer, inner), *combine_data_specs(*(list(outer_specs) + inner_specs)) ) sweep = Sweep(nested) Sweep.link_sweep_properties(outer, sweep) return sweep
class CombineSweeps: _operator_symbol = None def __init__(self, first: Sweep, second: Sweep): self.first = first self.second = second def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): ret = self.__class__.__name__ + ":\n" ret += indent_text(self.first.__repr__(), 4) + '\n' sym = '' if self._operator_symbol is not None: sym += self._operator_symbol + ' ' sec_text = indent_text(self.second.__repr__(), 2) sec_text = sym + sec_text[len(sym):] ret += indent_text(sec_text, 4) + '\n' ret = ret.rstrip() while ret[-1] == "\n" and ret[-2] == "\n": ret = ret[:-1] return ret def get_data_specs(self): specs = list(self.first.get_data_specs()) + \ list(self.second.get_data_specs()) return combine_data_specs(*specs) class ZipSweeps(CombineSweeps): _operator_symbol = '*' def __iter__(self): for fd, sd in zip(self.first, self.second): ret = fd.copy() ret.update(sd) yield ret class AppendSweeps(CombineSweeps): _operator_symbol = '+' def __iter__(self): for ret in itertools.chain(self.first, self.second): yield ret class NestSweeps(CombineSweeps): _operator_symbol = '@' def __iter__(self): for outer in self.first: for inner in self.second: ret = outer.copy() ret.update(inner) yield ret
[docs]class AsyncRecord: """ Base class decorator used to record asynchronous data from instrument. Use the decorator with create_background_sweep function to create Sweeps that collect asynchronous data from external devices running experiments independently of the measurement PC, e.i. the measuring happening is not being controlled by a Sweep but instead an external device (e.g. the OPX). Each instrument should have its own custom setup_wrapper (see setup_wrapper docstring for more info), and a custom collector. Auxiliary functions for the start_wrapper and collector should also be located in this class. :param specs: A list of the DataSpecs to record the data produced. """ wrapped_setup: Callable def __init__(self, *specs): self.specs = specs self.communicator = {} def __call__(self, fun) -> Callable: """ When the decorator is called the experiment function gets wrapped so that it returns an Sweep object composed of 2 different Sweeps, the setup sweep and the collector Sweep. """ def sweep(collector_options={}, **setup_kwargs) -> Sweep: """ Returns a Sweep comprised of 2 different Sweeps: start_sweep and collector_sweep. start_sweep should perform any setup actions as well as starting the actual experiment. This sweep is only executed once. collector_sweep is iterated multiple time to collect all the data generated from the instrument. :param collector_kwargs: Any arguments that the collector needs. """ start_sweep = once(self.wrap_setup(fun)) collector_sweep = Sweep(as_pointer(self.collect, *self.specs).using(**collector_options)) ret = start_sweep + collector_sweep ret.set_options(**{fun.__name__: setup_kwargs}) return ret return sweep
[docs] def wrap_setup(self, fun: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable: """ Wraps the start function. setup_wrapper should consist of another function inside of it decorated with @wraps with fun as its argument. In this case the wrapped function is setup. Setup should accept the \*args and \**kwargs of fun. It should also place any returns from fun in the communicator. setup_wrapper needs to return the wrapped function (setup). :param fun: The measurement function. In the case of the OPX this would be the function that returns the QUA code with any arguments that it might use. """ self.wrapped_setup = partial(self.setup, fun, *args, **kwargs) update_wrapper(self.wrapped_setup, fun) return self.wrapped_setup
def setup(self, fun, *args, **kwargs): return fun(*args, **kwargs) def collect(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: yield {}