Source code for labcore.measurement.record

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional, Iterable, List, Callable, Iterator, Tuple, Union, \
    Any, Dict
import inspect
from functools import update_wrapper
import copy
import collections
from enum import Enum
import logging

    from qcodes import Parameter as QCParameter
except ImportError:
    QCParameter = None

from ..utils import map_input_to_signature

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DataType(Enum): """Valid options for data types used in :class:`DataSpec`""" #: scalar (single-valued) data. typically numeric, but also bool, etc. scalar = 'scalar' #: multi-valued data. typically numpy-arrays. array = 'array'
[docs]@dataclass class DataSpec: """Specification for data parameters to be recorded.""" #: name of the parameter name: str #: dependencies. if ``None``, it is independent. depends_on: Union[None, List[str], Tuple[str]] = None #: information about data format type: Union[str, DataType] = 'scalar' #: physical unit of the data unit: str = '' def __post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.type, str): self.type = DataType(self.type)
[docs] def copy(self) -> "DataSpec": """return a deep copy of the DataSpec instance.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __repr__(self) -> str: ret = if self.depends_on is not None and len(self.depends_on) > 0: ret += f"({', '.join(list(self.depends_on))})" return ret
#: shorter notation for constructing DataSpec objects ds = DataSpec #: The type for creating a ds from a tuple (i.e., what can be passed to the #: constructor of :class:`.DataSpec`) DataSpecFromTupleType = Tuple[str, Union[None, List[str], Tuple[str]], str, str] #: The type for creating a ds from a dict (i.e., what can be passed to the #: constructor of :class:`.DataSpec` as keywords) DataSpecFromDictType = Dict[str, Union[str, Union[None, List[str], Tuple[str]]]] #: The type from which we can create a DataSpec. DataSpecCreationType = Union[str, DataSpecFromTupleType, DataSpecFromDictType, DataSpec]
[docs]def data_specs_label(*dspecs: DataSpec) -> str: """Create a readable label for multiple data specs. Format: {data_name_1 (dep_1, dep_2), data_name_2 (dep_3), etc.} :param dspecs: data specs as positional arguments. :return: label as string. """ return r"{" + f"{', '.join([d.__repr__() for d in dspecs])}" + r"}"
[docs]def make_data_spec(value: DataSpecCreationType) -> DataSpec: """Instantiate a DataSpec object. :param value: May be one of the following with the following behavior: - A string create a dependent with name given by the string - A tuple of values that can be used to pass to the constructor of :class:`.DataSpec` - A dictionary entries of which will be passed as keyword arguments to the constructor of :class:`.DataSpec` - A :class:`.DataSpec` instance """ if isinstance(value, str): return dependent(value) elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): return DataSpec(*value) elif isinstance(value, dict): return DataSpec(**value) elif isinstance(value, DataSpec): return value else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot create DataSpec from {type(value)}")
[docs]def make_data_specs(*specs: DataSpecCreationType) -> Tuple[DataSpec, ...]: """Create a tuple of DataSpec instances. :param specs: will be passed individually to :func:`.make_data_spec` """ ret = [] for spec in specs: ret.append(make_data_spec(spec)) ret = tuple(ret) return ret
[docs]def combine_data_specs(*specs: DataSpec) -> Tuple[DataSpec, ...]: """Create a tuple of DataSpecs from the inputs. Removes duplicates.""" ret = [] spec_names = [] for s in specs: if not in spec_names: ret.append(s) spec_names.append( return tuple(ret)
[docs]def independent(name: str, unit: str = '', type: str = 'scalar') -> DataSpec: """Create a the spec for an independent parameter. All arguments are forwarded to the :class:`.DataSpec` constructor. ``depends_on`` is set to ``None``.""" return DataSpec(name, unit=unit, type=type, depends_on=None)
indep = independent
[docs]def dependent(name: str, depends_on: List[str] = [], unit: str = "", type: str = 'scalar'): """Create a the spec for a dependent parameter. All arguments are forwarded to the :class:`.DataSpec` constructor. ``depends_on`` may not be set to ``None``.""" if depends_on is None: raise TypeError("'depends_on' may not be None for a dependent.") return DataSpec(name, unit=unit, type=type, depends_on=depends_on)
dep = dependent
[docs]def recording(*data_specs: DataSpecCreationType) -> Callable: """Returns a decorator that allows adding data parameter specs to a function. """ def decorator(func): return FunctionToRecords(func, *make_data_specs(*data_specs)) return decorator
[docs]def record_as(obj: Union[Callable, Iterable, Iterator], *specs: DataSpecCreationType): """Annotate produced data as records. :param obj: a function that returns data or an iterable/iterator that produces data at each iteration step :param specs: specs for the data produced (see :func:`.make_data_specs`) """ specs = make_data_specs(*specs) if isinstance(obj, Callable): return recording(*specs)(obj) elif isinstance(obj, return IteratorToRecords(obj, *specs)
[docs]def produces_record(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check if `obj` is annotated to generate records.""" if hasattr(obj, 'get_data_specs'): return True else: return False
def _to_record(value: Union[Dict, Iterable], data_specs: Tuple[DataSpec]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert data to a record using the provided DataSpecs""" ret = {} if isinstance(value, dict): for s in data_specs: ret[] = value.get(, None) elif isinstance(value, ret = IteratorToRecords(value, *data_specs) else: if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = [value] for i, s in enumerate(data_specs): try: ret[] = value[i] except IndexError: ret[] = None return ret
[docs]class IteratorToRecords: """A wrapper that converts the iteration values to records.""" def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable, *data_specs: DataSpecCreationType): self.iterable = iterable self.data_specs = make_data_specs(*data_specs) def get_data_specs(self): return self.data_specs def __iter__(self): for val in self.iterable: yield _to_record(val, self.data_specs) def __repr__(self): from .sweep import CombineSweeps ret = self.iterable.__repr__() if not isinstance(self.iterable, CombineSweeps): dnames = data_specs_label(*self.get_data_specs()) ret += f" as {dnames}" return ret
[docs]class FunctionToRecords: """A wrapper that converts a function return to a record.""" def __init__(self, func, *data_specs): self.func = func self.func_sig = inspect.signature(self.func) self.data_specs = make_data_specs(*data_specs) update_wrapper(self, func) self._args: List[Any] = [] self._kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} def get_data_specs(self): return self.data_specs def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): args = tuple(self._args + list(args)) kwargs.update(self._kwargs) func_args, func_kwargs = map_input_to_signature(self.func_sig, *args, **kwargs) ret = self.func(*func_args, **func_kwargs) return _to_record(ret, self.get_data_specs()) def __repr__(self): dnames = data_specs_label(*self.data_specs) ret = self.func.__name__ + str(self.func_sig) ret += f" as {dnames}" return ret
[docs] def using(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "FunctionToRecords": """Set the default positional and keyword arguments that will be used when the function is called. :returns: a copy of the object. This is to allow setting different defaults to multiple uses of the function. """ ret = copy.copy(self) ret._args = list(args) ret._kwargs = kwargs return ret
# TODO: support for qcodes parameters as actions. should automatically # inherit shapes, dependencies (for ParameterWithSetPoints, for example) # needs a function to make data specs from parameters (incl some user # customization, like setting to array for regular parameters) def get_parameter(param: QCParameter): if not QCODES_PRESENT: raise RuntimeError("qcodes not found.") return record_as(param.get, dependent(, unit=param.unit))