Source code for instrumentserver.server.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Core functionality of the instrument server.


# TODO: add a signal for when instruments are closed?
# TODO: validator only when the parameter is settable?
# TODO: the BluePrints should probably go into the serialization module.
# TODO: for full functionality in the proxy, we probably need to introduce
#   operations for adding parameters/submodules/functions
# TODO: can we also create methods remotely?

import os
import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import random
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import Dict, Any, Union, Optional, Tuple, List, Callable

import zmq

import qcodes as qc
from qcodes import (
    Station, Instrument, InstrumentChannel, Parameter, ParameterWithSetpoints)
from qcodes.instrument.base import InstrumentBase
from qcodes.utils.validators import Validator

from .. import QtCore, serialize
from ..base import send, recv
from ..helpers import nestedAttributeFromString, objectClassPath, typeClassPath

__author__ = 'Wolfgang Pfaff', 'Chao Zhou'
__license__ = 'MIT'

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    Instrument, InstrumentChannel, InstrumentBase
InstrumentModuleType = Union[Instrument, InstrumentChannel, InstrumentBase]

    Parameter, ParameterWithSetpoints
ParameterType = Union[Parameter, ParameterWithSetpoints]

[docs]@unique class Operation(Enum): """Valid operations for the server.""" #: Get a list of instruments the server has instantiated. get_existing_instruments = 'get_existing_instruments' #: Create a new instrument. create_instrument = 'create_instrument' #: Get the blueprint of an object. get_blueprint = 'get_blueprint' #: Make a call to an object. call = 'call' #: Get the station contents as parameter dict. get_param_dict = 'get_param_dict' #: Set station parameters from a dictionary. set_params = 'set_params'
[docs]@dataclass class InstrumentCreationSpec: """Spec for creating an instrument instance.""" #: Driver class as string, in the format "". instrument_class: str #: Name of the new instrument, I separate this from args and kwargs to # make it easier to be found. name: str = '' #: Arguments to pass to the constructor. args: Optional[Tuple] = None #: kw args to pass to the constructor. kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
[docs]@dataclass class CallSpec: """Spec for executing a call on an object in the station.""" #: Full name of the callable object, as string, relative to the station object. #: E.g.: "instrument.my_callable" refers to ``station.instrument.my_callable``. target: str #: Positional arguments to pass. args: Optional[Any] = None #: kw args to pass. kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
[docs]@dataclass class ParameterBluePrint: """Spec necessary for creating parameter proxies.""" name: str path: str base_class: str parameter_class: str gettable: bool = True settable: bool = True unit: str = '' vals: Optional[Validator] = None docstring: str = '' setpoints: Optional[List[str]] = None def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{}: {self.parameter_class}" def tostr(self, indent=0): i = indent * ' ' ret = f"""{}: {self.parameter_class} {i}- unit: {self.unit} {i}- path: {self.path} {i}- base class: {self.base_class} {i}- gettable: {self.gettable} {i}- settable: {self.settable} {i}- validator: {self.vals} {i}- setpoints: {self.setpoints} """ return ret
def bluePrintFromParameter(path: str, param: ParameterType) -> \ Union[ParameterBluePrint, None]: base_class = None for bc in PARAMETER_BASE_CLASSES: if isinstance(param, bc): base_class = bc break if base_class is None: logger.warning(f"Blueprints for parameter base type of {param} are " f"currently not supported.") return None bp = ParameterBluePrint(, path=path, base_class=typeClassPath(base_class), parameter_class=objectClassPath(param), gettable=True if hasattr(param, 'get') else False, settable=True if hasattr(param, 'set') else False, unit=param.unit, docstring=param.__doc__, ) if hasattr(param, 'set'): bp.vals = param.vals if hasattr(param, 'setpoints'): bp.setpoints = [ for setpoint in param.setpoints] return bp
[docs]@dataclass class MethodBluePrint: """Spec necessary for creating method proxies.""" name: str path: str call_signature: inspect.Signature docstring: str = '' def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return f"{}{str(self.call_signature)}" def tostr(self, indent=0): i = indent * ' ' ret = f"""{}{str(self.call_signature)} {i}- path: {self.path} """ return ret
def bluePrintFromMethod(path: str, method: Callable) -> Union[MethodBluePrint, None]: sig = inspect.signature(method) bp = MethodBluePrint( name=path.split('.')[-1], path=path, call_signature=sig, docstring=method.__doc__, ) return bp
[docs]@dataclass class InstrumentModuleBluePrint: """Spec necessary for creating instrument proxies.""" name: str path: str base_class: str instrument_module_class: str docstring: str = '' parameters: Optional[Dict[str, ParameterBluePrint]] = field(default_factory=dict) methods: Optional[Dict[str, MethodBluePrint]] = field(default_factory=dict) submodules: Optional[Dict[str, "InstrumentModuleBluePrint"]] = field(default_factory=dict) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{}: {self.instrument_module_class}" def tostr(self, indent=0): i = indent * ' ' ret = f"""{i}{}: {self.instrument_module_class} {i}- path: {self.path} {i}- base class: {self.base_class} """ ret += f"{i}- Parameters:\n{i} -----------\n" for pn, p in self.parameters.items(): ret += f"{i} - " + p.tostr(indent + 4) ret += f"{i}- Methods:\n{i} --------\n" for mn, m in self.methods.items(): ret += f"{i} - " + m.tostr(indent + 4) ret += f"{i}- Submodules:\n{i} -----------\n" for sn, s in self.submodules.items(): ret += f"{i} - " + s.tostr(indent + 4) return ret
def bluePrintFromInstrumentModule(path: str, ins: InstrumentModuleType) -> \ Union[InstrumentModuleBluePrint, None]: base_class = None for bc in INSTRUMENT_MODULE_BASE_CLASSES: if isinstance(ins, bc): base_class = bc break if base_class is None: logger.warning(f"Blueprints for instrument base type of {ins} are " f"currently not supported.") return None bp = InstrumentModuleBluePrint(, path=path, base_class=typeClassPath(base_class), instrument_module_class=objectClassPath(ins), docstring=ins.__doc__ ) bp.parameters = {} bp.methods = {} bp.submodules = {} for pn, p in ins.parameters.items(): param_path = f"{path}.{}" param_bp = bluePrintFromParameter(param_path, p) if param_bp is not None: bp.parameters[pn] = param_bp for elt in dir(ins): # don't include private methods, or methods that belong to the qcodes # base classes. if elt[0] == '_' or hasattr(base_class, elt): continue o = getattr(ins, elt) if callable(o) and not isinstance(o, tuple(PARAMETER_BASE_CLASSES)): meth_path = f"{path}.{elt}" meth_bp = bluePrintFromMethod(meth_path, o) if meth_bp is not None: bp.methods[elt] = meth_bp for sn, s in ins.submodules.items(): sub_path = f"{path}.{sn}" sub_bp = bluePrintFromInstrumentModule(sub_path, s) if sub_bp is not None: bp.submodules[sn] = sub_bp return bp
[docs]@dataclass class ParameterBroadcastBluePrint: """Blueprint to broadcast parameter changes.""" name: str action: str value: int = None unit: str = None def __init__(self, name: str, action: str, value: int = None, unit: str = None): = name self.value = value self.unit = unit self.action = action def __str__(self) -> str: ret = f"""\"name\":\"{}\": {{ \"action\":\"{self.action}" """ if self.value is not None: ret = ret + f"\n \"value\":\"{self.value}\"" if self.unit is not None: ret = ret + f"\n \"unit\":\"{self.unit}\"" ret = ret + f"""\n}}""" return ret def __repr__(self): return str(self) def pprint(self, indent=0): i = indent * ' ' ret = f"""name: {} {i}- action: {self.action} {i}- value: {self.value} {i}- unit: {self.unit} """ return ret
[docs] def toDictFormat(self): """ Formats the blueprint for easy conversion to dictionary later. """ ret = f"'name': '{}'," \ f" 'action': '{self.action}'," \ f" 'value': '{self.value}'," \ f" 'unit': '{self.unit}'" return "{"+ret+"}"
[docs]@dataclass class ParameterSerializeSpec: #: Path of the object to serialize. ``None`` refers to the station as a whole. path: Optional[str] = None #: Which attributes to include for each parameter. Default is ['values']. attrs: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ['values']) #: Additional arguments to pass to the serialization function #: :func:`.serialize.toParamDict`. args: Optional[Any] = field(default_factory=list) #: Additional kw arguments to pass to the serialization function #: :func:`.serialize.toParamDict`. kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs]@dataclass class ServerInstruction: #TODO: Remove set parameterr from the code. """Instruction spec for the server. Valid operations: - :attr:`Operation.get_existing_instruments` -- get the instruments currently instantiated in the station. - **Required options:** - - **Return message:** dictionary with instrument name and class (as string). - :attr:`Operation.create_instrument` -- create a new instrument in the station. - **Required options:** :attr:`.create_instrument_spec` - **Return message:** ``None`` - :attr:`` -- make a call to an object in the station. - **Required options:** :attr:`.call_spec` - **Return message:** The return value of the call. - :attr:`Operation.get_blueprint` -- request the blueprint of an object - **Required options:** :attr:`.requested_path` - **Return message:** The blueprint of the object. - :attr:`Operation.get_param_dict` -- request parameters as dictionary Get the parameters of either the full station or a single object. - **Options:** :attr:`.serialization_opts` - **Return message:** param dict. """ #: This is the only mandatory item. #: Which other fields are required depends on the operation. operation: Operation #: Specification for creating an instrument. create_instrument_spec: Optional[InstrumentCreationSpec] = None #: Specification for executing a call. call_spec: Optional[CallSpec] = None #: Name of the instrument for which we want the blueprint. requested_path: Optional[str] = None #: Options for serialization. serialization_opts: Optional[ParameterSerializeSpec] = None #: Setting parameters in bulk with a paramDict. set_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=dict) #: Generic arguments. args: Optional[List[Any]] = field(default_factory=list) #: Generic keyword arguments. kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = field(default_factory=dict) def validate(self): if self.operation is Operation.create_instrument: if not isinstance(self.create_instrument_spec, InstrumentCreationSpec): raise ValueError('Invalid instrument creation spec.') if self.operation is if not isinstance(self.call_spec, CallSpec): raise ValueError('Invalid call spec.')
[docs]@dataclass class ServerResponse: """Spec for what the server can return. If the requested operation succeeds, `message` will the return of that operation, and `error` is None. See :class:`ServerInstruction` for a documentation of the expected returns. If an error occurs, `message` is typically ``None``, and `error` contains an error message or object describing the error. """ #: The return message. message: Optional[Any] = None #: Any error message occured during execution of the instruction. error: Optional[Union[None, str, Warning, Exception]] = None
[docs]class StationServer(QtCore.QObject): """The main server object. Encapsulated in a separate object so we can run it in a separate thread. Port should always be an odd number to allow the next even number to be its corresponding publishing port. """ # We use this to quit the server. # If this string is sent as message to the server, it'll shut down and close # the socket. Should only be used from within this module. # It's randomized in the instantiated server for a little bit of safety. SAFEWORD = 'BANANA' #: Signal(str, str) -- emit messages for display in the gui (or other stuff the gui #: wants to do with it. #: Arguments: the message received, and the reply sent. messageReceived = QtCore.Signal(str, str) #: Signal(int) -- emitted when the server is started. #: Arguments: the port. serverStarted = QtCore.Signal(str) #: Signal() -- emitted when we shut down. finished = QtCore.Signal() #: Signal(Dict) -- emitted when a new instrument was created. #: Argument is the blueprint of the instrument. instrumentCreated = QtCore.Signal(object) #: Signal(str, Any) -- emitted when a parameter was set #: Arguments: full parameter location as string, value. parameterSet = QtCore.Signal(str, object) #: Signal(str, Any) -- emitted when a parameter was retrieved #: Arguments: full parameter location as string, value. parameterGet = QtCore.Signal(str, object) #: Signal(str, List[Any], Dict[str, Any], Any) -- emitted when a function was called #: Arguments: full function location as string, arguments, kw arguments, return value. funcCalled = QtCore.Signal(str, object, object, object) def __init__(self, parent: Optional[QtCore.QObject] = None, port: int = 5555, allowUserShutdown: bool = False, addresses: List[str] = [], initScript: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(parent) if addresses is None: addresses = [] if initScript == None: initScript = '' self.SAFEWORD = ''.join(random.choices([chr(i) for i in range(65, 91)], k=16)) self.serverRunning = False self.port = int(port) self.station = Station() self.allowUserShutdown = allowUserShutdown self.listenAddresses = list(set([''] + addresses)) self.initScript = initScript self.broadcastPort = self.port + 1 self.broadcastSocket = None self.parameterSet.connect( lambda n, v:"Parameter '{n}' set to: {str(v)}") ) self.parameterGet.connect( lambda n, v:"Parameter '{n}' retrieved: {str(v)}") ) self.funcCalled.connect( lambda n, args, kw, ret:"Function called:" f"'{n}', args: {str(args)}, " f"kwargs: {str(kw)})'.") ) def _runInitScript(self): if os.path.exists(self.initScript): path = os.path.abspath(self.initScript) env = dict(station=self.station) exec(open(path).read(), env) else: logger.warning(f"path to initscript ({self.initScript}) not found.")
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def startServer(self) -> None: """Start the server. This function does not return until the ZMQ server has been shut down.""""Starting server.")"The safe word is: {self.SAFEWORD}") context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) for a in self.listenAddresses: addr = f"tcp://{a}:{self.port}" socket.bind(addr)"Listening at {addr}") # creating and binding publishing socket to broadcast changes broadcastAddr = f"tcp://*:{self.broadcastPort}""Starting publishing server at {broadcastAddr}") self.broadcastSocket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.broadcastSocket.bind(broadcastAddr) self.serverRunning = True if self.initScript not in ['', None]:"Running init script") self._runInitScript() self.serverStarted.emit(addr) while self.serverRunning: message = recv(socket) message_ok = True response_to_client = None response_log = None # Allow the test client from within the same process to make sure the # server shuts down. This is if message == self.SAFEWORD: response_log = 'Server has received the safeword and will shut down.' response_to_client = ServerResponse(message=response_log) self.serverRunning = False logger.warning(response_log) elif self.allowUserShutdown and message == 'SHUTDOWN': response_log = 'Server shutdown requested by client.' response_to_client = ServerResponse(message=response_log) self.serverRunning = False logger.warning(response_log) # If the message is a string we just echo it back. # This is used for testing sometimes, but has no functionality. elif isinstance(message, str): response_log = f"Server has received: {message}. No further action." response_to_client = ServerResponse(message=response_log) logger.debug(response_log) # We assume this is a valid instruction set now. elif isinstance(message, ServerInstruction): instruction = message try: instruction.validate() logger.debug(f"Received request for operation: " f"{str(instruction.operation)}") logger.debug(f"Instruction received: " f"{str(instruction)}") except Exception as e: message_ok = False response_log = f'Received invalid message. Error raised: {str(e)}' response_to_client = ServerResponse(message=None, error=e) logger.warning(response_log) if message_ok: # We don't need to use a try-block here, because # errors are already handled in executeServerInstruction. response_to_client = self.executeServerInstruction(instruction) response_log = f"Response to client: {str(response_to_client)}" if response_to_client.error is None: logger.debug(f"Response sent to client.") logger.debug(response_log) else: logger.warning(response_log) else: response_log = f"Invalid message type." response_to_client = ServerResponse(message=None, error=response_log) logger.warning(f"Invalid message type: {type(message)}.") logger.debug(f"Invalid message received: {str(message)}") send(socket, response_to_client) self.messageReceived.emit(str(message), response_log) self.broadcastSocket.close() socket.close() self.finished.emit() return True
[docs] def executeServerInstruction(self, instruction: ServerInstruction) \ -> Tuple[ServerResponse, str]: """ This is the interpreter function that the server will call to translate the dictionary received from the proxy to instrument calls. :param instruction: The instruction object. :returns: The results returned from performing the operation. """ args = [] kwargs = {} # We call a helper function depending on the operation that is requested. if instruction.operation == Operation.get_existing_instruments: func = self._getExistingInstruments elif instruction.operation == Operation.create_instrument: func = self._createInstrument args = [instruction.create_instrument_spec] elif instruction.operation == func = self._callObject args = [instruction.call_spec] elif instruction.operation == Operation.get_blueprint: func = self._getBluePrint args = [instruction.requested_path] elif instruction.operation == Operation.get_param_dict: func = self._toParamDict args = [instruction.serialization_opts] elif instruction.operation == Operation.set_params: func = self._fromParamDict args = [instruction.set_parameters] else: raise NotImplementedError try: returns = func(*args, **kwargs) response = ServerResponse(message=returns) except Exception as err: response = ServerResponse(message=None, error=err) return response
def _getExistingInstruments(self) -> Dict: """ Get the existing instruments in the station. :returns: A dictionary that contains the instrument name and its class name. """ comps = self.station.components info = {k: v.__class__ for k, v in comps.items()} return info def _createInstrument(self, spec: InstrumentCreationSpec) -> None: """Create a new instrument on the server.""" sep_class = spec.instrument_class.split('.') modName = '.'.join(sep_class[:-1]) clsName = sep_class[-1] mod = importlib.import_module(modName) cls = getattr(mod, clsName) args = [] if spec.args is None else spec.args kwargs = dict() if spec.kwargs is None else spec.kwargs new_instrument = qc.find_or_create_instrument( cls,, *args, **kwargs) if not in self.station.components: self.station.add_component(new_instrument) self.instrumentCreated.emit( bluePrintFromInstrumentModule(, new_instrument) ) def _callObject(self, spec: CallSpec) -> Any: """Call some callable found in the station.""" obj = nestedAttributeFromString(self.station, args = spec.args if spec.args is not None else [] kwargs = spec.kwargs if spec.kwargs is not None else {} ret = obj(*args, **kwargs) # Check if a new parameter is being created. self._newOrDeleteParameterDetection(spec, args, kwargs) if isinstance(obj, Parameter): if len(args) > 0: self.parameterSet.emit(, args[0]) # Broadcast changes in parameter values. self._broadcastParameterChange(ParameterBroadcastBluePrint(, 'parameter-update', args[0])) else: self.parameterGet.emit(, ret) # Broadcast calls of parameters. self._broadcastParameterChange(ParameterBroadcastBluePrint(, 'parameter-call', ret)) else: self.funcCalled.emit(, args, kwargs, ret) return ret def _getBluePrint(self, path: str) -> Union[InstrumentModuleBluePrint, ParameterBluePrint, MethodBluePrint]: obj = nestedAttributeFromString(self.station, path) if isinstance(obj, tuple(INSTRUMENT_MODULE_BASE_CLASSES)): return bluePrintFromInstrumentModule(path, obj) elif isinstance(obj, tuple(PARAMETER_BASE_CLASSES)): return bluePrintFromParameter(path, obj) elif callable(obj): return bluePrintFromMethod(path, obj) else: raise ValueError(f'Cannot create a blueprint for {type(obj)}') def _toParamDict(self, opts: ParameterSerializeSpec) -> Dict[str, Any]: if opts.path is None: obj = self.station else: obj = [nestedAttributeFromString(self.station, opts.path)] includeMeta = [k for k in opts.attrs if k != 'value'] return serialize.toParamDict(obj, *opts.args, includeMeta=includeMeta, **opts.kwargs) def _fromParamDict(self, params: Dict[str, Any]): return serialize.fromParamDict(params, self.station) def _broadcastParameterChange(self, blueprint: ParameterBroadcastBluePrint): """ Broadcast any changes to parameters in the server. The message is composed of a 2 part array. The first item is the name of the instrument the parameter is from, with the second item being the string of the blueprint in dict format. This is done to allow subscribers to subscribe to specific instruments. :param blueprint: The parameter broadcast blueprint that is being broadcast """ self.broadcastSocket.send_string('.')[0], flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.broadcastSocket.send_string((blueprint.toDictFormat()))"Parameter {} has broadcast an update of type: {blueprint.action}," f" with a value: {blueprint.value}.") def _newOrDeleteParameterDetection(self, spec, args, kwargs): """ Detects if the call action is being used to create a new parameter or deletes an existing parameter. If so, it creates the parameter broadcast blueprint and broadcast it. :param spec: CallSpec object being passed to the call method. :param args: args being passed to the call method. :param kwargs: kwargs being passed to the call method. """ if'.')[-1] == 'add_parameter': name ='.')[0] + '.' + '.'.join(spec.args) pb = ParameterBroadcastBluePrint(name, 'parameter-creation', kwargs['initial_value'], kwargs['unit']) self._broadcastParameterChange(pb) elif'.')[-1] == 'remove_parameter': name ='.')[0] + '.' + '.'.join(spec.args) pb = ParameterBroadcastBluePrint(name, 'parameter-deletion') self._broadcastParameterChange(pb)
[docs]def startServer(port: int = 5555, allowUserShutdown: bool = False, addresses: List[str] = [], initScript: Optional[str] = None) -> \ Tuple[StationServer, QtCore.QThread]: """Create a server and run in a separate thread. :returns: The server object and the thread it's running in. """ server = StationServer(port=port, allowUserShutdown=allowUserShutdown, addresses=addresses, initScript=initScript) thread = QtCore.QThread() server.moveToThread(thread) server.finished.connect(thread.quit) thread.started.connect(server.startServer) thread.start() return server, thread